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Machinery - Metal
Asada B80-AT - Beaver80 Pipe & Bolt Threading Machines Threading Machines designed to give ac..
Brobo S350G (Was S350D) - 415V 3-Phase 2-Speed Ferrous Metal Cold Saw With Stand 9730030 Freight:..
BROBO 415V 400mm Manual Non-Ferrous Cutting Saw TNF115-415 Includes Stand TNFS Valued a..
FLEXOVIT MITRECUT400A - 405mm (16") 4Kw/5.5hp 400A Mitre Cut Off Saw 70184646646 Featur..
Hafco AL-410 - 52mm Spindle Bore 400 x 1000mm Turning Capacity Centre Lathe L569D Freight: As th..
Hafco ALU-350A - 415V Non-Ferrous Swivel & Compound Mitre Head Semi-Auto Metal Cutting Saw ..
Hafco BF-20LV - (X) 480mm (Y) 175mm (Z) 280mm Geared & Tilting Head Opti-Mill Drill M650 Exce..
Hafco BS-10AS - 415V 1.5kW Semi - Automatic, Swivel Head Metal Cutting Band Saw B029 4 Cutting Sp..
Hafco BS-10LS - 415V 468 x 250mm (W x H) Rectangle Capacity Swivel Head Metal Cutting Band Saw B021 ..
Hafco BS-13DS - 415v 1.5kW Semi - Automatic, Swivel Head-Dual Mitre Metal Cutting Band Saw B030 F..
Hafco BS-4A - 240V 0.375 kW Metal Swivel Vice Cutting Band Saw B002 The BS-4A is an economically ..
Hafco BS-5S - 240V 0.5hp Rectangle Capacity Swivel Head Metal Cutting Band Saw B003 Freight: ..
Hafco BS-5V - 240V 1kW Portable Swivel Head Metal Cutting Band Saw B004 Mitre Cuts Up To 60º, Com..
Hafco BS-6V - 240V 1.65kW Portable Swivel Head Metal Cutting Band Saw B005 170 x 170mm (W x H) Re..
Hafco BS-7DS- 240V 0.75kW Swivel Head Metal Cutting Band Saw B008A Manufactured in Taiwan ..
Hafco BS-7L - 240V 1hp Mobile Metal Cutting Band Saw B006 Freight: This item is a heavy and ..
Hafco BS-912 - 240V 0.75kW Metal Cutting Band Saw B014 Mitre Cuts Up To 45º, Quick Action Materia..
Hafco BS-916A - 240V 350 x 228mm (W x H) Rectangle Capacity Swivel Vice Metal Cutting Band Saw B015 ..
Hafco CS-315D (S828) - Cold Saw Includes Stand 110 x 70mm Rectangle Capacity Freight: Th..
$3,575.00 $3,000.00
Hafco CS-350V - 240V 3hp MetalMaster Cold Saw S829 Freight: This item is a heavy and lar..
Hafco CS-350V - 415V 3hp MetalMaster Cold Saw S830 Freight: This item is a heavy and lar..
Hafco EB-260V - 240V 1.5kW Swivel Head Metal Cutting Band Saw B062V Freight: This is a heavy and..
Hafco EB-285DSV (B064V) - 240V 1.5kW Swivel Head-Dual Mitre Metal Cutting Band Saw Frei..
Hafco EB-320DS - 415V Swivel Head-Dual Mitre Metal Cutting Band Saw B067 Freight: This it..
Hafco EB-330DSC - 415V 1.2kW 1.6hp Swivel Head-Dual Mitre Metal Cutting Band Saw with Conveyor Syste..
Hafco EB-351DSA - 415V 1.87kW Semi - Automatic, Swivel Head-Dual Mitre Metal Cutting Band Saw B072 ..
Hafco HM-51B - 240V Table Travel: (X) - 580mm (Y) - 190mm (Z) - 350mm Industrial Turret Milling Mach..
Hafco VB-300 - 240V 370W Metal Cutting Vertical Band Saw B010A Includes Bade Welding Station &..
Hafco VB-450 - 415V 750W Metal Cutting Vertical Band Saw B012 Includes Bade Welding Station &..
MultiTool PO362-200 - 240V 200mm Bench Grinder w/ 50mm x 915mm Belt & Disc Attachment M..